Finance & Planning Committee

The Finance and Planning Committee meets on the second Wednesday of every month prior to the City Council meeting.  
For Finance, the Committee reviews all city expenditures, budgets and audits and recommendations to the City Council.  This committee also recommends and / or reviews proposed changes to administrative policies.
For Planning, the Committee reviews planning related ordinances and reviews conditional use permits.  When a member of the community objects to planning department decisions, the committee will review objections and make recommendations to the City Council. (These are quasi-judicial hearings are held to determine if department decisions adhere to current law or conditional use restrictions.  With few exceptions [signage and hillside development etc..] the City has very limited control over aesthetics.)
Current and past meeting agendas can be accessed via the links below.  
Council Committee Assignments
  • Mark Terry, Member
  • Kasey Castillo, Member