What is the difference between the City and the POA?
The City Council is the elected body of City Government. The City Council is a five-member, non-partisan board, elected at large from the citizens of Canyon Lake. The City Council is responsible for formulating the policies for the City and approving the major actions through which the municipal functions are conducted. The Property Owner’s Association (POA) is a private entity. For more information on the POA, please visit www.canyonlakepoa.com.
When does my City Council meet?
The City Council meets the second Wednesday of every month beginning at 6:30 p.m. For more information or to obtain an agenda, visit our City Clerk’s page.
Who do I call if my neighbor has a recreational vehicle parked out on the street?
What if I experience a pothole on Railroad Canyon Road?
We want to know about it, please call City Hall at (951) 244-2955. Depending on the severity and number of potholes, the City will call their contractor to come out and repair the pothole(s).
I want to register my new boat. Who do I call?
I received a ticket for speeding on my boat. How do I handle it?
Who do I call if my neighbor has their trash cans out too long?