Applicant Scores and Completed Applications

Below are the scores and applications from Phase II of the application process. Each application was scored by the City's cannabis consultant HdL. Each of the applications below scored above the required 90% to continue into the process. The applications have been redacted to protect confidential information.
These documents are being published in compliance with Canyon Lake Municipal Code 4.20.110 (c).
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the City Manager of the City of Canyon Lake will conduct a public hearing pursuant to Chapter 4.20 of the Canyon Lake Municipal Code on May 25, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as it may be heard. The meeting will take place in the City Council Chamber at City Hall, located at 31516 Railroad Canyon Road, Canyon Lake, CA 92587.
AT THE PUBLIC HEARING, THE CITY MANAGER OR HIS DESIGNEE WILL CONSIDER the concerns of residents and affected businesses concerning applicants for Commercial Cannabis Business Permits at the following addresses:
  • 31524 Railroad Canyon Road, Canyon Lake, CA 92587
  • 31320 Railroad Canyon Road, Canyon Lake, CA 92587
  • 31580 Railroad Canyon Road, Canyon Lake, CA 92587
  • 31682 Railroad Canyon Road, Canyon Lake, CA 92587
  • 24370 Canyon Lake Dr. North, Suite E, Canyon Lake, CA 92587
Anyone wishing to comment on the applications must file a written response or may appear personally at the public hearing. Prior to the hearing, written comments in favor or against the applications should be sent to the Canyon Lake City Hall, City Clerk’s Office at 31516 Railroad Canyon Road, Canyon Lake, CA 92587. If you challenge any project or fee in court, you may be held to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing or in written correspondence to the City Clerk at or prior to the public hearing as described in this notice.
Please note, the City Manager does not have discretion to amend or repeal Chapter 4.20 of the Canyon Lake Municipal Code. Comments shall be limited to the pending applications only.
If you have questions regarding the documents provided, please email or call 951-365-5863